Update on my Ascension Process 2023


I would like to share with you my journey of my weight , emotional , mental and spiritual gain of moving Into to a space where I was not happy with who I was becoming.

I got tired, my soul got fed up with the spiritual gaslighting and falseness I was witnessing and dealing within the spiritual community. So many promises that ended up to be just stupid lies, people who tried to ruin me because of my awareness. I have been on my journey for 43 yrs , so I was loosing hope and trust. My inner strength and knowing just kept me going.

I Gained so much physical weight, my body was screaming at me, body pain and menopause, and the list goes on. I was 103 kg at Xmas 23

Then march 2023 I decided that I had to do something about it because my spiritual team was saying “You have so much to offer, We will bring you the people who can help you.” I cried a lot and felt so tired.

So I got myself a mentor for my #Ascension who has introduced me to #purify and helped me to detox and change my eating habits and I was introduced to juicing and the understanding of addictions to food and so much more.

This helped me to detox my weight gain with my energy. I have a safe place to go deeper with the spiritual awareness that has connected me to so much of my god space of self-love. I now have a new spirit team and new connections with beautiful people who want to see me succeed.

I continue to take care of myself, at all levels of my life and enjoying who i am becoming and am very excited about what I’m bringing into my life

I am now 95kg and continuing to work towards 80kg. This detox is about more than just food.

As a spiritual life coach, I have gained so much to help you and hold space for you.

We cannot do this alone anymore

Thank you for your love and support.

There are many. Love you all

Let’s have a chat about how I can hold space for you with my experience and knowledge of how to move through your Ascension Process. 

discovery call https://bit.ly/3u1g9Kw

Copyright Katerina Lenarcic   15.5.2023

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