Moving Through my Ascension


After a recent intense cleansing of energy. I had spent a quiet day reflecting on my journey and how I am so proud of what I have accomplished already.

The Ascension process is always an adventure of different emotions. It certainly breaks down a lot of emotional and mental and heartfelt walls to deal with. Being vulnerable and authentic about who I am is my adventure.

My adventure so far

Wonderful new experiences fill my life as I connect with new people of like-minded hearts.

I encounter success beyond my expectations because I believe in my purpose and who I am.

I am always divinely guided by the gentle loving hearts of my Blue Diamond team and AA Gabriel. This brings me joy so I can Integrate and activate all things I need in my life.

The power of my intuition radiates through my actions and decisions, always helping me to feel I am taking my next step.

My strong golden light radiates through me and around me and breaks the darkness into pieces so I can dissolve it from my energetic self. Even when I fall to my knees and cry.

All this so I can open my heart to receive my gifts from Source / my universe because I deserve the wonderful outcomes in my life, the love and support I need so I can raise the consciousness of our human life.

In exchange, I offer you my wisdom and healing so you can achieve your ease and grace while you are on your human journey.

What is your adventure like? No one is better or less than you and we all have our own piece of the universe.

Copyright  12 July 2022

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